Articles about articles

Managing Managers

Challenges and changes when moving from an individual Engineering Manager to a Manager of Manager role.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Thanks for the Feedback

A dynamic guide unravelling the intricacies of feedback, offering tools for growth, understanding, and communication mastery.

Phone Use Contract Template

A sample document to outline expectations for a child or teen's use of a mobile phone.

Transformational Leadership in Software Engineering

Characterised by its focus on inspiring and empowering team members, transformational leadership can be a potent force for driving excellence and innovation within cross-functional software engineering teams..

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Impact to Advancement

Maximising Your Performance Review as a Software Engineer - Building on Impact.

Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

Preparing for Performance Reviews

Key steps to showcase skills and achievements for career advancement in software engineering.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Building a Resilient Engineering Team

Strategies for managing stress and burnout for software engineering managers to prioritize the well-being of their team members.

Against wind and tide - Pedro Sanz

Career Change to Software Engineering

Presenting your portfolio and resume when transitioning into a software engineering career.

Signpost silhouette against sunset sky

Twilio Verify Rate Limiting

Buckets of fun with Twilio Verify API rate limiting for mobile verification requests.

Speed limit sign

Floating Point Arithmetic and Why It Makes Cents

With the current headlines being dominated by the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank, it seems apt to share this recent coding mistake I made with floating point numbers.

A person in silhouette appears to be floating above the ground

Writing Code with AI Examples

Having a conversation with ChatGPT can be fun, but it will quite often tell you confidently something you know to be gibberish.

Screen with charts and numbers

Displaying Relative Time for a Static Site

Calculating relative dates in JavaScript to display on statically generated sites, including those built with Eleventy - like this one.

Watch face with complications showing the time

Getting Started with AI

Tips and Resources for AI Beginners.

A graphic depicting a network of blue dots connected by lines

Ruby-on-Rails Conditional Validation

How to apply validation in a Ruby-on-Rails model when you don't always want it.

Orange diamond sign featuring a black exclamation point

Painting a Pair of Foxes

Mindfully painting of a pair of foxes during my holidays.


What are DORA metrics?

Assessing the health and performance of a product engineering team.

Dials, gauges, and controls from an aircraft cockpit

Ascii Banana

Programming a macro pad as a chorded keyboard for typing ascii characters.

Good mentors make good managers; a journey from IC to management

A presentation outlining my career change into management, for Web Directions Code Leaders 2022.

Presentation outlining my career change into management

Your first 90 days in Engineering Leadership

What to focus on during the first few months as an Engineering Manager when joining a new team or organisation.

Photograph of writing in a journal, with a coffee and croissant

Engineering Leadership Resources

Links to resources and writing by others on the engineering leadership journey.

Adding automatic dark mode to a website

Implementing dark mode in a website using css variables and prefers-color-scheme media query.

Eleventy social sharing cards

Adding meta tags to eleventy theme to provide open graph social sharing cards functionality.

Rich content previewing with open graph tags

Tools and Software I Use

A list of software and hardware that I use everyday.

Rebuilding with Eleventy

Rebuilding this personal site with a new static site generator.

Building a sample application with Svelte

Using Svelte to build a sample data capture and review application.

Learning rust, generating and solving sudoku puzzles

Working with Rust to generate and solve sudoku puzzles.

Siligong Javascript presentation

Presenting the other stuff that you need to consider when working as a Javascript Developer.

Step Generator NPM Package

Generating a sequence of numbers.

Create, Read, Update, Delete

Simple JavaScript library to manage JSON objects via CRUD api.

Building Modern Web Apps

A quick dive into the process of building a web application from scratch using Sencha’s EXT JS 6 SDK..

Getting started with Test Driven Development

Explore the ideas of Test Driven Development and how it assists testing and code coverage.

One Month of Working Remotely

My first experience of working remotely.

Xamarin cross platform bucket list application

A cross platform mobile application developed using Xamarin and

Cordova Cross-Platform Todo App Development

Development and deploy cross-platform Tasks app with camera integration and offline storage.

SydCSS 2015

Where I visit Canva headquarters and hear talks from smart people.


Failing to build anything useful with the Arduino.

Quitting RSS

Remember when every site had an RSS feed?.

Spelling in Vi

Adding spelling support to my vi configuration.

Windows Phone 7

Exploring the Windows Phone in 2012.

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