Twilio Verify Rate Limiting

Speed limit sign

Twilio rate limits are used to apply limits to a category of requests.

Twilio Client Auth

Before interacting with the Twilio API, you will need to require the twilio-ruby gem and instantiate a @client using your account credentials.

require 'twilio-ruby'
account_sid = ENV['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']
auth_token = ENV['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN']
@client =, auth_token)

Creating Rate Limits

A rate limit is created with a unique_name (such as "account_rate_limit") and this unique name is used to reference the rate limit later.

rate_limit = @client.verify
    description: 'Account rate limit',
    unique_name: 'account_rate_limit'
puts "Created Rate Limit"
puts rate_limit.sid

Within each rate limit category, limits are applied using buckets. A bucket is created to set a maximum number of requests over a period, using the format { max: N, period: S } for N maximum requests over a period of S seconds. Multiple rate limit buckets can be created for a rate limit which would each be applied to the requests within this rate limit group.

bucket = @client.verify
    max: 2,
    interval: 600 # 10 minutes
puts "Created Rate Limit Bucket"
puts bucket.sid

Without creating a bucket, no rate limiting will be applied to the rate limit

Using Rate Limits

After a rate limit with zero or more buckets has been configured, requests will need to be associated with this rate limit when they are being created. The rate limit is referenced using the unique_name and a rate limit key.

verification = @client.verify
    channel: 'sms',
    rate_limits: {
      unique_name: rate_limit_key

The rate limit key should be a unique identifier on which the rate limit bucket rules should apply.

Multiple rate limits could also be applied to a request, such as per account, per country, or per group of digits within the recipient's mobile number.

  channel: 'sms',
  rate_limits: {
    # trim last 3 digits to get a block of phone numbers
    number_group: number_group(

Rate Limit Error Codes


Check the docs